multi dollar farm owned by the more family had been killed by a complicated homemade bomb. the prime suspect? pete moore, famously hotheaded angry because he believed hi father might have given hi inheritance to roberto ayala pete uncle, roger moor believed an audiotape from his answering machine could help detectives who still didn have enough evidence to make a arrest the voice on the tape? none other than rodgers nephew pete hey, roger, this is pete. i ve worked for 21 years doing what i m doing so that i could eventually one they have a chance to farm pete wanted to talk about having been disinherited and, as you ve seen, i ve been taken out of my dad s will the phone messages contai nothing directly incriminating but after being diverted by th strange letters about assassin and a drug gang, the investigation was now back towards started, that pete
to farm manager, oversaw that day the bomber said they would what was going on? to investigators, one theory seemed the least likely, tha roberto ayala was mixed up wit the drug gang ms-13. the iowa s are a classic boo strap story, a religious man was roberto ayala. he worked his way up from fa manager to oversee a multi million dollar farm. he knew the machines and was utterly committed to that work jobswhat did working thata to your dad? that was everything, that was our whole live, even his life revolved around it. we were always there growing up first jobs as kids? yeah, even learned how to drive on the farm. we learned how to do everythin on the farm. tell me about your dad. what kind of guy was he? he was a hard worker, someone to look up to. we admired him and it did not go unnoticed on the moore farm. over the years, owners roger and gus came to rely a great
know him that well, that well, but i really wouldn t think he could. i also doesn t think he has th moxie to do something like that what do you mean moxie? the intelligence the meanness. but peter had threatene roberto ayala wanted to figh him and as far as anybody knew paul had never done anything like that. nevertheless, based on this ne information from david and susan moore, detectives aske paul to come in for anothe meeting. good morning, have a seat which he did, quite willingly, took time off on saturday afternoon and detective salm asked pau directly do you have a prior crimina record yes i was into drugs and stuff whe i was younger. committed felonies in fact. then he said he just grew up and now wanted to help in an way he could even if it meant informing o
the money. he did not ask for any money i return he fed me, clothes me, gave me a car to drive and now, i look at pete like a dad. and anybody that has anythin bad to say about, peters never took any time to get to know him. because he is a good, loving person with a huge heart and we need more pete in thi world. so why where the cops s focused on pete to begin with? well, his vetoes of his cousin paul, planned the whole thing. set up to frame him. first by lying to him. telling him that roberto o robert as pete called him wa out to steal his birthright. paul would come over an tell me horrible stuff about e and robert he said robert told paul tha he was gonna get my share of what my dad was gonna reliev me at the ranch. so paula come over and say something to me. and he knew he was gonna mak me want to go say something or fight with somebody. and pete? he said he was simply blind to paul s manipulation. when you are going throug
his beloved cousin, peter. i think pete was a little envious of robert. i think he felt his dad treate robert better than pete go treated when he worked there he said something about his da taking him out of the will one thing though, paul, lik his second cousin dave, didn t think that pete was capable of making that bomb somebody must have helped him. i just don t think pete has the technical ability to do it unless he seriously had someon help okay. so this type of thing was done by somebody who is prett intelligent. maybe got some know-how well that s something you guys said and i think that i right. who do you think is capable but remember, paul s ex i laws told detective salm tha paul was more likely the guilt party. probably 90%, paul.