wings as the plane filled with water, floating down the river in the swift current. it would appear that pilot did a masterful job of landing the plane in the river. and then making sure that everybody got out. we mentioned just what a great decision that pilot made. his name, chesley sullenberger iii. graduate of the u.s. air force academy. used to fly f4 phantom jets in the military. sully, they call him, walked the plane twice after it was on the surface of the water to make sure there were no more passengers on board. five years ago today. sully sullenberger, i m like a groupie of this guy. he s so the real deal. oh, yeah. he hasn t become a reality show star. he hasn t been on tv, television commercials. he s become advocate for airline safety. a best-selling author. a real deal, a to z, just class. he calls it the most