my a ancestor s s arrival in the p port of vereracru, along withth millions s of othes througugh the centnturies, changeged history,y, creaeating moderern mexico,, and a gateteway betweeeen t and the rerest of the e wor. thisis is the crcradle of memex. everythihing starteded here. itit s also ththe cradle of mexicican gastrononomy bebecause all l ingredientns landnded in thisis spot. and alall the ingrgredients from m mexico leftft from he- chococolate, vananilla, the tomamato. can yoyou imagine e italian cuisinine without t the tomo or frencnch pastrieses withot chocolatate and vaninilla? imimpossible.. [u[upbeat musisic] the peopople of veraracruz totook this trtreasure troe of ingreredients pasassing in and outut of the poport and creaeated a whole nenew cuisine.e. wow. i i m eva longngoria, born andnd bred in t texas with mexicican-americacan ro, which h makes me a a texica. i m m exploring g mexico to e how the pepeople, theieir la, and their r past have e shad a culina
a city in n the sea, y you sa, built t on stilts,s, canals i instead of f stree. yoyou can onlyly get there by boaoat. and incrededibly, theyey buil. ovover a millelennium or t t, vevenice becomomes the cenenr of a worldld trading e empire- silklks, spices,s, ideas, and momoney, lots s of it. the venenetians liveve betweeeen earth anand wate. it shaped d their chararacter- salty,y, wise, andnd ingeniou. i veve never seeeen anyone do that bebefore. - - [chuckles]s] i m m stanley tutucci. i m ititalian on b both sid, and d i m traveleling acrosssy to d discover hohow the fod in each h of this cocountry s 20 regegions is as uniqique as thehe people anand their pap. may i?i? thank k you. how arare you? - good. - good. surrouounded by wewetlands. [gunshshots] these pepeople are h hunters.. you rere a great s shot. and gathererers. itit s perfectctly balancec. wow.w. wow! the sea a brought ththe outsie world d to the venenetians and fed ththeir appetitite. mmmmm! so manany differen