caribbean. i m reminded of the political piece which shows the leadership leads to has the lawry and the drug trade in this country as well. daniel, i want to talk about the lack of preparedness of the u.s. military focuses in on this. length two, in some respect, due to the work of our jennifer griffin and lucasso tomlinson at the pentagon. we know about 70% of marine corps f-18 s cannot fly according to the navy, 53% of all navy aircraft cannot fly. about 1700 combat aircraft, controlled transport planes, helicopters, 62% of f-18 hornets are out of service, andne shorte of 2,000 pilots and less than 50% of the bomber fleet b-52, b-1 bombers are mission ready. pretty frightening statistics given the tension racing across the globe. that, of course, you can clearly blame on other president trump, that s one of
this mysterious craft outran his f-18 supersonic jet. he ll be my guest. and controversy at disney world. is that you, president trump? from the beginning, america has been a nation defined by its people. hts out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424. i tabut with my back paines, i couldn t sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i m back. aleve pm for a better am. (avo) but you also have a higher risk of heart attack or stroke. non-insulin victoza® lowers a1c, and now reduces cardiovascular risk. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar
we had got vectored out to the west. when we arrived, the cruiser with the aegis system said it was merge plot which means they couldn t break us up. as we both looked out the right side of our airplane we saw a disturbance in the water and a white object oblong pointing north moving erratically left, right, north, south, up, down, all around. as we started clockwise flow around the disturbance watching it i decided that i would go lower and the other jet stayed high to observe both of us. as i got to about the 12:00 position the object started to mirror us. now we re both in a clockwise flow opposite circles. the object is lower than me, i m above him and i m looking at him with my eyes. we get all the way around the circle as i m descending. there s a 2 to 3,000 foot
pilots chased after it but it sped away. the pilot of one of those aircraft spoke to cnn earlier tonight. as we looked out the right side of our airplane, we saw a disturbance in the water, like the braves breaking over the top. and a white object, pointing north, moving left-right, north-south, up-down, all around. i m in the 8:00 position and the tick tack is at about 2:00. i cut across the middle, and as i got close to it, probably within a mile to half a mile, it rapidly accelerated to the south and disappeared in less than two seconds. it had no wings, so you would think it s a helicopter. when helicopters move side to side, they slow and pick up speed going the other way. this was like a ping-pong ball hitting off the wall, hit and go the other way. the ability to hover over the water and start a climb from
reported, have been half of the navy s f-18 s can t fly and half of the b-1 is bomber force can t fly and that is seriously a crisis situation from those i m speaking to out here at the forum, gillian. gillian: thanks for joining us from there and we will have general neller at the 1:00 hour. much more coming up on fox news. at 4 p.m., bret baier sits down an h.r. mcmaster at the defense forum. you ll be able to watch it live. in the next hour, marine corps general neller, what they need forward in the 21st century. coverage from the reagan national defense forum continues with fox news sunday. national security advisor mcmaster joins fox s own chris wallace live in the simi valley.