Experts said that a cat's eye color could come from yellow-eyed tigers and blue-eyed leopards. A study found out that a cat's eye color could come from yellow-eyed tigers and blue-eyed leopards.
Fans of the musical "Cats" will know that the naming of cats is a difficult matter, and that cats have three different names. The same is true of cats in New Zealand there are three types: companion or pet cats that live with people and rely on them for their welfare, stray cats that may rely only partly on people for food and shelter and live around centers of human habitation, and feral cats that have minimal or no reliance on people, and that survive independently of the companion cat population.
Many mammals, from domestic cats and dogs to giant pandas, use scent to communicate with each other. A new study from the University of California, Davis shows how domestic cats send signals to each other using odors derived from families of bacteria living in their anal glands. The work was published Nov. 8 in Scientific Reports.
Now, reporting in Environmental Science & Technology Letters, researchers have developed a method that detected infectious bird flu virus in wetlands frequented by waterfowl.
The oldest living feline currently is a 27-year-old domestic cat. Click to read more. Cats are some of the most popular pets in the world only being next to domestic dogs, which have long been considered by many as "man's best friend.