did you see jill s dress? look at that. lookack.s like a jewel smugglers explosive diarrhea all over. ara but i think we kno aw where she s getting her fashion. op yeah. i can only hope she shavese her head. speaki speaking of harvardvard president claudie finallyo many resigned. she made so many copies. xerox should sue her for plagiarizing. of course. she claims her resignation is due to, of course, racismrese sorry, babe. you weren t fired because of racism. you were hired yen t fired becae of racism. no white person. than racism.k you. thank you. as a white person, i can staterl that no white person ever could have gotten this far on tr. trumped up credentials no wonder. in reportedly, the only thing keeping gay in her jobg gay was barack obama. but you don t have to be you a geniusto to figure thisook. one out.
in new hampshire, democrats ner thought they d have to defend seats there. meanwhile, governors abbott and texas to santurce in florida and camp in georgia aree al up double digits over their democrat rivals. and why this all happening? because the truth is getting tord for to hard for the press f avoid. democrat policies havet left americans poorer, our country weaker, and with the addedof bonus of taking us to the brinkb of an all out war with russia and there s going to be a huge political price to be paid for this. yen t rather than trying to tace to the middle democrats, they just keep digging themselves further into a holed and now populist republican candidates who are bold and who are brave are. about to bury them.g them now, they keptse tellingie themselves, lie after lie. the democrats first that inflation was transitory. i see important transitory influences work, and i don t
w.erush,nhd we r g ltaadto pu reeith i th g m orng,w.h,n w anr, th gk yolveryduch. tha youreor hh ingh e.mrn ck:l ane thasyokry yoh.uirst ha ouof hllg ver interes ng: l artie ins theyo shinston post todantsortesf tialyzing thth rinsnidet s stda rt aderip s tyzlth. rsde s at sor m potant serles rsl cle a sy,or rsums ornte s mor imrtanlthan tleyla anprseidenmo a o imakanantl anp en uragauslyough disio, anthat ans theyave aveagthlyegh uragdto bioan ato esly, and ey e n t ink veat wth vend ag b o ey, pranidend oba m kit k we coureous tou pren ba cisis, ai he rtaiy don t ve t c uragur tusoou be losin aly.e ai ri: whdoat t do touc meaagby thatoas f asy. a iriwht ea coureouly tgh at fcisiss? a i mean, let tlk about urou t bya, or e xasis?. e n,et geting inv ved butthe a, mietaryaonflt there geg nvd so mighe say tt as miryflt er uragus. i tnk isotig tw as ltl ag .tarry. t i ws ws t meas ea rrryas shod ha t mena a althgh, u khoowha the esidet knns aotore an tth res, of uks daeo thidnatukn of
people? after all, they re voting in a number of places. so why not? in some places, they re voting several times. it s so scary because as you mentioned, $18 million of that is in stimulus money from social security. yeah. and 250,000 dead people received money. what happens, living relatives just go cash the checks and then they take the money? probably. yen t know, you talk about government waste, all you have to do is look at that report. i thought the president the president said we ll do our best to save money by getting rid of corruption and government waste. fast forward and a white house guy that is blogging. well, i blame congress as well because they haven t cracked down on it. hello? maybe the democratic party just sees dead people. very successful movie. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. other headlines now. brand new surveillance video of the deadly hostage situation in the baghdad church. we don t have video. it wasn t good.