practiced. even though year after year young men and young women are bruised, battered and possibly in champion s case, beaten to death. okay. is he awake? he wasn t responding. we thought he was breathing. he was making noises. but i don t even know if he s breathing now. okay. is he awake? do you know? his eyes are open. his eyes are open. he s not responding. okay. but is he breathing? i have no idea. i cannot tell you that. that was the 911 call november 19th, after a game as robert champion lay dying on the band bus. other members say he may have undergone a rite of passage crossing by c. one member who wants to stay anonymous says crossing bus c is walking backward through the bus getting beaten as you go. this is less than three weeks after a clarinet player, bria hunter, was beaten. after her beating was reported to campus police. after she ended up in the hospital with blood clots and cracked thigh bone. three fellow band members are charged with that b