nbc news. t. still t t o famimily is justst very impopo. she s mymy sister anand we d depend on each other a lo. she s s the rock o of the fam. she s s the personon who hoholds everytything togetet. it s s a battle,e, you know. i m gogoing to be e there. keytruruda and chehemotheray meant trtreating my y cancer with twowo differentnt types of medicinine. inin a clinicacal trial, keytrudada and chemomotheray was prproven to hehelp peope live l longer than chehemotherapy y alone. keytrudada is used to treatat more patitients wiwith advanceced lung cananr ththan any othther immunotothe. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapipies as your first t treatment if you h have advancnced nonsququamous non-n-small cel lungng cancer anand you do n not have an abnormal “egfrfr” or “alk” gene. kekeytruda helps your imimmue system figight cancer,r, bubut can alsoso cause your immmmune systemem to attttack healththy parts of youour body. this c can happen n during or afterer treatment
brave men and women who ran toward danger. rm t us. because e dupixent t targets at cause of e eczema, it helelps hl your s skin from w wi, keepeping you onone ststep ahead o of it. anand for kidsds ages 6 anand, that meaeans clearerer skin, and nonoticeably l less itch. hidede my skin?? not t me. by helpiping to contntrol ecza with d dupixent, you cacan change h how their n looks and d feels. and thatat s the kinind ofof change yoyou notice.. hide m my skin? not meme. don n t use if you rere allergigic to dupixi. serious s allergic r reactios can ococcur, includining anaphylalaxis, which is s severe. tell your r doctor abobout ner worsenening eye prproblems, such as eyeye pain or visioion changes,s, or a p parasitic i infection. if you t take asthmama medicin, don t change o or stop thehem withthout talkining to your r . when youou help hl yourur skin fromom wi, you cacan show me wiwith less ecec.
see yourur doctor riright awy if you h have a cougugh; chest papain; shshortness ofof breath; irirregular heheartbeat; diarrhea; ; constipatition; sesevere stomamach pain, nausea o or vomitingng; dizzin; faintiting; eye prproblems; extreme e tiredness;s; changes inin appetite,e, thirstst or urine;e; rash; itching;g; confusionon; memoryry problems;s; mumuscle pain n or weaknese; joinint pain; flusushing; or f fever. these are e not all ththe possssible side e effects. problelems can occur togegether and morere often whehen opdidivo is useded with yervr. tetell your dodoctor aboutt all memedical condnditions includuding immunene or nervrvous systemem problems, if you ve e had or plalan to havave an organan or stetem cell traransplant, or receieived chest t radiati. here s t to a chancece for momore horizonons. a chancece to live l longer. ask yourur doctor about chememo-free opopdivo plus s yervoy. thank k you to allll involved in our clininical trials. diaz: you may hav diaz: you ma