people of ukraine. he also announced additional sanctions against russia. china was continuing to stick a finger in america s eye cozying up to russia. all of this was yesterday at this time. today a top diplomat traveled to moscow and met with the dictator putin celebrating the meeting was putin and teasing a bigger step in the china alliance. i would like to note that russia/china relations developed like we planned if previous years. everything is ongoing progressively, developed. we achieved new front ears. of course we re waiting for the head of china people s republic to visit russia. harris: you heard it. new frontiers for the two biggest threats to america and to the world really. critics calling for diplomacy over a blank check to ukraine. what biden should do is what he should have been doing all along. urging a diplomatic solution to the dispute between ukraine and russia. he has failed utterly to do that and instead at every turn ratcheted up. going to ukrai
people of ukraine. he also announced additional sanctions against russia. china was continuing to stick a finger in america s eye cozying up to russia. all of this was yesterday at this time. today a top diplomat traveled to moscow and met with the dictator putin celebrating the meeting was putin and teasing a bigger step in the china alliance. i would like to note that russia/china relations developed like we planned if previous years. everything is ongoing progressively, developed. we achieved new front ears. of course we re waiting for the head of china people s republic to visit russia. harris: you heard it. new frontiers for the two biggest threats to america and to the world really. critics calling for diplomacy over a blank check to ukraine.