control. by signing this legislation you are not signing away gun violence liberating citizens of our constitutional rights. clayton: we will hear from the young teenager taking the internet by storm. fox & friends hour two starts right now. you are watching fox & friends the best show to watch while you are putting on your pants. alisyn: when do you do these voiceovers? clayton: when i m putting on my pants. tucker: i can tell. clayton: good morning, everyone. welcome into auto fox & friends. eye clayton morris, that s alisyn camerota and tucker carlson. you are tan and. tucker: rested and ready. clayton: you got back into new york city when we got these terrible jobs numbers. so while it seems like it was we had this spring air, everyone is getting excited about summer and we to the these terrible jobs numbers and you think gosh, are we ever going to get out of this thing now that we only put in about 88,000
areas and that s also going to be a severe weather maker monday through wednesday as well. continue to talk about that today s first alert forecast a cool one across much of the northeast but sunny. down to the southeast. plenty of sunshine as well and temps looking pretty good. enjoy today because conditions start to go down hilarity tomorrow and into monday. into the northern plains, see more snow this afternoon across parts of northeastern minnesota and parts of wisconsin and the up of michigan and then out across the west, the southwest you are looking quite nice. it s the northwest where you have got the snow that s coming on in. all right. clayton morris is there something you can do about this weather. i wish there was. i was outside getting the garden set up. we have a lot of questions about the garden this year. spring is here. if you are looking to spruce up your garden i have great app.s that can actually help do you this. these are some great ideas. rick: this is your w
jessie: you pay their salaries all while they are not paying their taxes. federal employees 100,000 of them with serious tax liens. clayton: texas congressman blake is on the house committee for oversight and government reform where the bill advanced last week. he here to give us update. nice to see you. welcome to the show. good morning, guys. this bill advanced and exactly what does this bill attempt to do and do you think it has a chance at passing? it holds federal employees for paying their taxes. 100,000 owing over a billion dollars in beings as it and we can t even fire the worse of the worse dead beats. jessie: congressman, is the goal here to fire these guys to punish them or do we just want to collect their taxes? what s the point here?
stood by it now they have come out and aapologized forever it. alisyn: here is what the textbook said first and see if you can understand this lesson plan when you ask stomp on jesus most will hesitate. ask them why they can t stomp on the paper and discuss the importance of symbols in our culture? most will hesitate and then force them to do it. clayton: idiot. jessie: did everybody have to stomp? if you don t stomp are you expelled? is that what that is? clayton: i guess. the university now walked this back and has since apologized. here is their apology. we sincerely apologize for any of florida atlanta university. respects all religions and welcomes people of all faiths, background and beliefs. let us know what you think about this. you can weigh in on twitter. we are ff weekend and start using hash tag ff weekend so we can follow the conversation there this is how we follow it like this.
can look for anything such as a brand name 1725 means it s sterling silver. clayton: this collection over here does acid test so you say you also wanted to find out what an item is made of as well. can you use something like this. what is this? this is at home metal testing kit important to know what gold contents you have if you don t want to do it yourself and worried it may be inaccurate and work with reputable. exactly, you should come to easy. we he have a number of locations in manhattan. you want to work with established business. we have been in business since 1996. what about the perceived value of something. this is probably something you can pick up at target.