through that hard day s night e all the livelong day, listen let he who has not chillen like a villain in a shrine to themselves cast the first stone . don t we all do this ?ds so in other words, if you spend say a 14 hours a day covering fr the authoritarian government of china, even as you brag about yourself to teen vogue, you re too exhausted for self reflection. it s just science. it s just science. so the question is this is sortn of a deeper question. but like you call this really early, you wrote a book about it. really good book that this guy c is completely unqualified toom give life advice to anybodyif yu wouldn t have dunks it for you and yet he took control ofd the entire country without an election. why do we allow that to happen?? i think that what we ve recognized here is we ve neverre invested this much power intoth one person for the for the last twenty three months. whether you could go to school, could breathe free air, haved a business open and go to church and wor
wewe thought it couldn t get better than that , but oh boy were we wrong. t now npr has taken up the vital topic of gender identity at elite women s colleges. holy smokes. it s a cornucopia of awesome. listen, women s colleges are adapting their admissions policies to reflect a shift in the waya that people. understand gender . some students identify as transgender or non binary, not exclusively male or female . so who belongs at a women s college? who belongs at a women s? ey an incisive question really. npr has a way of crystallizingng these things. until recently, answer would have been pretty obvious. women who don t t like men belog at a women s college. that s still true , but it sor more complicatede now because o one can say exactly what a woman is just having two x chromosomes and female qualify. you. whereas the real test whether or not you wear women s clothing and if so what kind of clothing? these are the kinds of debates consuming hollins university,iv
communications of completely innocent american citizens and then leaking their text messages to the media and republicans are doing nothing. why are republicans standing up and saying you need to answer this question about ramp s why aren t you answering the question about raab s? yeah, i d like to see a lot more action out of republicans right now because it s the republican base. it s everybody who has questions about the last election or supported president trump that s being painted by the national security state as terrorists or insurrectionist. so we need to see bold leadership really want to come in . you know, ted cruz, marjo taylor green, matt gates. there s been a few that have demanded answers. but we need to hear this coming from the entire republican caucus. look, if we re going to continue to give these powerful institutions so much power over us, we must demand that they are accountable to us. so liz cheney, i mean, you i disagree with cheney on a lot. i wouldn t critici
the other day excuse me, the administration announced two hundred million more . so the ukrainians love this obviously this is the whole reason they once employed joe biden s otherwise unemployables son to keep the cash flowing to them. so when biden hinted this week that war might not be coming right away, the ukrainians are highly distressed. in fact, they were so distressed, they said so out loud. watch this . the big concern expressed by one ukrainian official i spoke to last is that this offers vladimir putin a green light in his words, to enter ukraine at his pleasure. so the ukrainians are complaining about american foreign policy, about what the president said at a press conference. the government of some place called ukraine is demanding that we fight the russian army on their behalf. i mean, it s not crazy to kind of see why they would want that . it s a lot easier than doing it themselves. the question is where the united states so why are we obeying them? tulsi gabbard
are clearly lying because that s transparently obvious. but why can t we get an answer to this very simple question? what was ray upss relationship with the u.s. government before january 6th? why is that so hard? well, there s clearly something that they re concealing and they re hiding because if their narrative was true , if epps was just this man who adam kinzinger says was just trying to help out the january six committee and provide more details, then they would have provided that transcript. they have nothing to hide. give us the transcripts and show us the tape. this is our taxpayer dollars at work. this narrative has been used to paint half the country as terrorists and insurrectionists and we must demand from elected officials that they show us the truth, show us what s going on . was involved with the fbi? is he a confidential human source or had anything to do with federal law enforcement? show us the documents. well, exactly. and no one s demanding it. what s so interest