it s one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal. soso every dayay, you can n s. it s one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal. yououuu did it!t! it s one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal. withth centrum s silver. it s one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal. everyoyone remembebers the momoment they y heard, “you u have cancecer.” how theieir world ststopped. .a.and when ththey found a way to f face it. fofor some,... .thihis is wherere their kekeytruda stotory beg. kekeytruda a breaktkthrough immunonotherapy thatat may treatat certain n cancers. onone of thosese cancers is a advanced memelanoma, whwhich is a k kind of skin n cancer where e keytruda m may be d when y your melanonoma has spspread or cacannot be r removed by y surgery. when y your melanonoma has spspread or cacannot keytytruda helpsps your ime system figight cancer.r. .b.but can alslso cause your immunune system t to atk keytytruda helpsps your ime system
chest papain, diarrhrhea, sesevere stomamach pain or t tenderness,s, severe nana oror vomiting,g, headache,, light t sensitivitity, eye pror, irregulalar heartbeaeat, extrtreme tiredndness, consnstipation,, dizzininess or faiainting, chchanges in a appetite, thirst, , or urine,, confusion n or memory y proble, muscle p pain or weaeakness, fever, r rash, ititching, or r flushing.. these are e not all ththe posse side e effects. tellll your doctctor about all yourur medical c conditio, inclcluding immumune systemm problelems, or i if you ve h had an o organ transnsplant, had oror plan to h have a ststem cell trtransplant,, or h have had raradiation to your r chest areaea or a a nervous s system condnd. today,y, keytruda a is fda-apppd to treat 1 16 types of advananced cancerer. and d is being s studied in hundrededs of clininical trs explororing ways t to treat even more types ofof cancer. it s t tru. kekeytruda frorom merck. see ththe differenent types of c cancer keytytruda is apapd to