if that quite aces moderate position, which shows that state courts cannot completely change the law in dramatic ways, well interpreting elections, but a federal court should be deferential to their interpretations. that would be significant, but not a radical game-changer of any kind. and will basically bring in this extreme textualists interpretation that has little support in constitutional history, and reach a more moderate result. it s interesting that the same dynamics seem to be going on in the recent case involving the web designer who didn t want to advertise weddings for gay couples. the maximalist position would say that anytime a religious person wants an exemption from anti discrimination laws, it should be able to take it. we are once again, justices kavanaugh, robin, barrett, seem to be grappling towards a more moderate compromised says that web designers are special. they re artist, but they re not like limousine drivers or other professions. and therefore, this is not