Similar incidents in the region have been reported over the past decade. Click to read more. Marine heatwaves killed more than 1 billion sea creatures off the coasts of Canada and the United States back in 2021, according to research, which highlights that even the said natural disaster can be intense in deeper water.
Scientists confirmed that marine heatwaves do not only impact coral reefs. Click to read more. Marine heatwave is like terrestrial heatwave where both natural phenomena are driven by the greenhouse effect or the warming of the atmosphere.
Researchers said that Galveston Bay in Texas suffers from increasing ocean acidification due to the excessive rainfall of Hurricane Harvey in 2017. It would affect the oyster reefs that thrive in the area. Read here.
Recent research showed that the coral reef in Palau's Rock Islands is heat-resistant from marine heat waves. The study would be helpful for the conservation management of marine biodiversity, especially during the event of ocean warming.