West Virginia Public Broadcasting (WVPB) recently aired a new documentary about the life of Medal of Honor recipient, Woody Williams titled, "Woody Williams: An Extraordinary Life of Service." The public is encouraged to join us for a special screening on Monday, Dec. 11 at 5:30 p.m.
This week on Inside Appalachia, we pick up a little light reading at the Johnson City Zine Fest. And… Grab your dancing shoes and learn about a movement to make square dance calling more inclusive. Also, the perils of playing the spoons.
On this West Virginia Morning, Hershel “Woody” Williams was an American hero, the last living World War II recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor and a proud West Virginian. After a lifetime of service, the Marion County native died last summer at the age of 93. West Virginia Public Broadcasting explores the life and legacy of Williams in “Woody Williams: An Extraordinary Life of Service.”
To commemorate Veterans Day in West Virginia, West Virginia Public Broadcasting (WVPB) proudly releases a new documentary about the life of Medal of Honor recipient, Woody Williams titled, Woody Williams: An Extraordinary Life of Service. The show will air Saturday, Nov. 11, at 8 p.m. on WVPB. You can also watch the program on WVPB Passport and our YouTube channel.