Decisions in courts rulings. And with some saying the battle is far from over. Garrett. Weve not heard of last of the fight. Which is one of ballots over the president s border walls, no doubt about it, this ruling is a win for the president , the 54 decision isnt the final word on the merits of the case, but does allow the administration to tap into about two and a half billion dollars from the pentagons budget toward a hundred miles of border as its through the courts. After the President Trump, wow, big win for Border Security and the rule of law. The Trump Administration argues this additional wall a largely needed to stop the flow of drugs across the border. Democrats argue a vast majority are through the ports of entry and not the areas where the wall might be built, however, today former acting ice director tom holman says he has no doubt the additional wall will make a difference. Everywhere theres a border, theres decreased human and drug flow. And i think it will be dod and d
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