and nato ally trainers uncomfortable questions about quid pro quos. established training units near a scheme to condition official the polish border and elsewhere. acts or taxpayer funding to they help rewrite education for obtain a personal political benefit does not become less the next generation. odious because it is discovered supporting ukraine s brave before it is fully consummated. resistance to russian aggression, we have a front-row in fact, the security assistance seat to the russian way of war had been delayed so long, it in the 21st century, gaining would take another act of congress to ensure that it could priceless insights that contribute to our own security. still go out. and that oval office meeting this year in 2019, ukrainian that zelensky desperately citizens passed the political sought, it still hasn t torch to a new generation, one happened. although we have learned a great that came of age not in the deal about these events in the final years of the soviet union