From Crisis Action to Soul Tide, DINO GAME put everything into delivering playable products with the rising influence expanding from Asia to the entire world.
wally funk, to look at the folks who are going up, but we also can t forget it s not without risks. even if they have an escape pod. absolutely. and risk equals ratings. right? so we have people like combat sports, people like nascar, but here we actually use scientific and engineering rigger to figure out how risky things are. so if you take, for example, the shuttle launches. the risk there was estimated by system s engineers to be 1 in 120 launches. for blue origin and these suborbital flights 1 in 1,000 launches. they ve done 15. of course we don t know if it s 1 out of 1,000, it can happen on number 16 or number 900. you don t know. the estimates tend to be really good. look, part of the excitement is really just the exploration game that america is back in space. after really a long hiatus. and the fact that it s happening