What Does “ELI5” Mean, and How Do You Use It?
Vann Vicente
Is there a topic you don’t understand and would like explained in the simplest way? You might want to use the acronym ELI5. Here’s what it means, and how to use it to get a helpful explanation.
“Explain Like I’m 5”
ELI5 stands for “explain like I’m 5.” When people use it online, they’re asking others to explain a complex or obscure topic in the simplest of terms. So, if taken literally, they would explain something in a way that a 5-year-old would understand.
However, this acronym is rarely used literally. ELI5 means breaking down a topic into reader-friendly layman’s terms.
Simple Tech: Intelligent Manual Transmission
Shashank Singh Updated: January 13, 2021, 07:45 PM IST
So much has already been spoken about the Intelligent Manual Gearbox or iMT since it was launched in the Hyundai Venue, and later in the Kia Sonet. Marketing calls it intelligent because it can sense when we need to change gears and can operate the clutch for us. All we need to do is shift the gear lever and slot into the next gear. I say it is intelligent because it understands the difference between assistance and intrusion. Allow me to explain.
We have all heard similar things about the gear shifts in AMT (automated manual transmission) gearboxes before. Their popularity soared only recently after their introduction around six years back. Simply because they are in essence a manual gearbox with computers strapped to them, which can operate the clutch and change gear