we will ve to seehat the language is. they shouldn t have tighten their belt but disproportionately. assumg it is not diproportionatel i he said we ve 7 day to revws bill. we havenown this day was coming for six months. i war they were going to wait until the last minute plop down a bill no one has time to read and demand you pass it bause the markets mighte open tomorrow morning and be unstable. unworried about the market this leglation should have been on the floor for weeks american people should no wh is in it. it s not a deal, deal, dole it s what is ithe leglation that s important. since you don t want to do anything athe last minute it expis september 30th. wait until the 28th and 29th of september. why don t you stick around and hand that. tt is a good sgestion actually.
going to get hung up. tax increases for the rich, this is where the if there were easy answers if any committee could come up with it we would be there already. they will do some things they may not want to do. you could decide not to take the committee s recommendations. those are fred pretty far out. i suspect the american people are sick of the new words we get see queststration. americans think like how much money do you have coming in how much do you need and if those aren t a little bit in sync you need to fix them. i am a little amuzed by some of the congratulatory statements i am reading in my e-mail. i think washington looks very bad. you do your job cut some kind of a deal here. september 30th coming up with continued resolution expires. you thought it was a last fight. we will do it all over again.
we have a real problem spendi s forext fiscal ye that begins october 1st. wehave surpassed only one appropriations bill and we have got 12 more tgo and i don t see any o them moving vy fast. so we will end up again with all piled up in one big bill at the last minute. we are asked to pass it. the senate robert byrd said there are two great senates roman senate and u.s. senate. u.s. senate could have been such a fabulous forum for national discussion about debt crisis. we really missed that opportunity. we should suggest it. i think it would be a little bit of a stink bomb. maybe we should suggest that you stick around to do that one. we need to be ready. we are going to be in the same position. you are right, september 30th. we are going to do the school drama again. unless something changes we are going to be in the same position. always nice to see you sir. the other side of the aisle democratic senator mary landrieu is she satisfied with the deal.