At Guantanamo Bay in cuba and not in the United States. Host they are about to gavel in on the house floor. Tom cole, thank you for the conversation. We will bring you over to the house now. Live coverage on cspan,. Gaveltogavel [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. It loving god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. In these most important days in debates here in the peoples house, we beg you to send
Compensation fund for 70 years, until 2090. The 10year cost of that bill is estimated to be 10. 2 billion. The house floor debate was just about 50 minutes. Without object. Mr. Nadler i yield myself such time as i may consume. Madam speaker, today this body will, for what i hope is the final time, meet its moral obligation to provide for survivors and responders suffering from 9 11 related illnesses. This obligation is twofold. First, on september 11, 2001, it was not just the city of new york and the pentagon that were attacked, it was the entire country. A National Attack is always required a National Response. That is why respondants from around the country rushed to new york to aid in the rescue and Recovery Efforts in the immediate aftermath. Today responders and survivors live in all 50 states. This is a national problem. Congress must provide a national solution. Second, tens of thousands of responders and survivors are sick because the federal government in its rush to get wall
Our meeting will come to order consistent with our policy of starting on time and say good morning to the Committee Meets today to consider the nomination of general mark milley to be chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. We thank you for being here today and are grateful for your decades of distinguished service to our nation, we also welcome why you are family and friends and invite you at the appropriate time to introduce those that you feel are appropriate. Its standard for the committee to ask certain questions. These are the required questions, we will ask them fast and if you would audibly respond to them i would appreciate it very much. First if you adhere to the applicable laws and regulations governing conflicts of interest . Yes. Do you agree if confirmed to appear and testify upon request before this committee . Yes, chairman. Do you agree to provide documents including copies of the forms of communication in a timely matter when requested by a duly constituted committee o
Our meeting will come to order consistent with our policy of starting on time and say good morning to the Committee Meets today to consider the nomination of general mark milley to be chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. We thank you for being here today and are grateful for your decades of distinguished service to our nation, we also welcome your family and friends and invite you at the appropriate time to introduce those that you feel are appropriate. Its standard for the committee to ask certain questions. These are the required questions, we will ask them fast and if you would audibly respond to them i would appreciate it very much. First if you adhere to the applicable laws and regulations governing conflicts of interest . Yes. Do you agree if confirmed to appear and testify upon request before this committee . Yes, chairman. Do you agree to provide documents including copies of the forms of communication in a timely manner when requested by a duly constituted committee or to co
Which gives hope and strength to the government. I made a pledge 3 years ago during the elections. That we will not leave the negotiating table. But we dont make the progress of the country subject to negotiations and the permission and smiles of others. You noticed that several billion dollar contracts were signed in the oil and gas sector in recent days. At the same time, the amount of Foreign Investment in these two. The government spent about 11 billion dollars , apart from domestic investments , definite investment, not just signing an understanding or on paper, that is , definite and valid investment last year, the year of the prosperity of irans presence in important organizations and groups. It was international. Membership in brics after irans membership in shanghai was another important achievement in the field of foreign policy. The countrys trade with its neighbors increased. The very important area of latin america and africa, which unfortunately had been neglected f