Four-out-of-10 senior travel professionals think 2022 booking volumes across the industry will match or exceed 2019 levels. Almost 700 professionals from around the globe contributed to the WTM Industry Report and revealed an upbeat outlook for 2022.
When the sharing economy was in its infancy, providers such as Airbnb brought a fresh perspective on stays, with the emphasis on independence and individuality. But hotels have caught up, focusing on less-ridged rules, such as early check-ins, late check-outs and less-stuffy communal areas. - Breaking International News - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News
Demand for holidays by car – either abroad or in the UK – has accelerated speedily because of Covid concerns and the importance of still maintaining social distancing. - Breaking International News - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News
People have been largely stuck indoors for many months on end and this research shows us they are sick of the sight of their four walls. - Breaking International News - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News
Despite the easing of restrictions, most people still feel it’s right and proper to wear a face mask on a flight, in line with the policy of many airlines. - Breaking International News - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News