The trust and goodwill that are critical to COP27 success depend on commitments of full and timely financial support, as well as meaningful progress on loss and damage, adaptation, and long-term mitigation goals.
With the Paris Agreement rules in place, the UN climate talks are switching focus from process to implementation. But geopolitics and disputes over finance cast a pall.
In his article, Jack Tajmajer ’24 notes that the Earth has already experienced irreparable climatic damage that, in a few decades, could lead to an uninhabitable planet. He argues that while existing systems certainly don’t have to be eradicated, it’s time we finally start giving weight to novel, “radical” changes.
Rayne Sullivan, a second-year student at Stanford Law School, served as a delegate to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, and was one of two U.S. representatives at the United National Climate Youth Summit in Milan, Italy.