standing at the podium calling these plans substandard. and our friend bob here was saying, oh, these plans were terrible anyway. people shouldn t worry about keeping them now. he wants people to keep them. aren t these plans illegal, too, by the way, by definition? aren t they in violation of his law?ar the law that he created by going around congress and then change and now wants to changenw back? i m not sure where he is. he used the executive pen moreis than i do when i make my notes r here. so he gulps throughan fast and furious, went to vegas while benghazi was still burning. within hours after his big fix to obamacare, he s fundraising again, i think it s disingenuous. i really said, if this was ceo obama, the shareholders would carry him out. the american people unfortunately are stuck with this guy. i just hope in 2014 everyone wht is running against a democrat who supported this bill through