New study estimates child abuse costs Alabama $3.7 billion each year
On April 20, Gov. Ivey awarded grant funds to two Tennessee Valley organizations assisting victims
Grant money awarded to help child abuse victims in Alabama By Tiffany Thompson | April 30, 2021 at 8:26 AM CDT - Updated April 30 at 1:04 PM
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WAFF) - Child abuse not only destroys lives but also costs billions of dollars each year. A newly released study now shows just how much abuse costs the state.
The National Children’s Advocacy Center released new information on Thursday about a study by the University of Alabama showing child abuse costs the state about $3.7 billion dollars a year. The information used in the study was gathered in 2018, according to Executive Director Chris Newlin from NCAC. Even though the most complete data set is not from 2021, Newlin feels this number would be about the same today.