Summit Will Include Release of 8th Annual BWR Power of the Sister Vote Poll in Partnership with Essence Ventures, Annual Gathering Featuring Black Women’s.
has he usually quiet. i want you to tell me about the telephone call you received from president obama. i have not received a phone call from president obama. tell me about the telephone call you received from the secretary of state. i have not received any telephone calls from the secretary of state. unfortunately. the president has done nothing. the president hasn t said a word. he has not said his name. he has not called for his release. he has not publicly spoken out. the american center for law and justice has been mobilizing international support for the family. i believe the government has been silent on this case. with pastor. the reason why the actual executive branch leaders have not spoken out, we haven t heard it from john kerry. we haven t heard it from the president because he converted from islam to christianity. this is just someone s human rights being violated. it s an american who has their human rights being violated. neither the state department o