they may be in fact the true heroes in this. the ones trying to have legitimate political discourse, and the people who crossed the line verbatim, this is ronna mcdaniel statement, the people who crossed the line in all of this are liz cheney and adam kissinger. these are the people that deserve excommunication from the party. it is a stunning that liz cheney and adam kinzinger are the ones worthy of scorn and vitriol. they are the heretic s the need to be excised from the party apparatus. not the people who tried to assassinate mike pence and stop the electoral process. i mean it is literally like living in the twilight zone, lawrence. i know this subject has been discussed since friday when it first became public. this legitimate political discourse thing. but i really think this is the one where we can t it s impossible to spend too much time on it, because this is the undeniable, official, unanimously voted turning point of the republican party. they have now claimed their
people. yeah. timothy mcvay law, the oath keepers, the far right wing militias that came to dominate a lot of the domestic terrorism in the 1990s, that s a new strain of republican politics. we re not talking about a gop that just as reticent to condemn what happened on january 6th. they re actively gaslighting the nation and suggesting that the rioters stormed the gates and try to combat law enforcement and stop all democratic process from unfolding. they re suggesting somehow that they may be in fact the true heroes in this. the ones trying to have legitimate political discourse, and the people who crossed the line verbatim, this is ronna mcdaniel statement, the people who crossed the line in all of this are liz cheney and adam kissinger. these are the people that deserve excommunication from the party. it is a stunning
While Islam does technically excommunicate, not all Muslims agree on what constitutes an offense worthy of excommunication or who has the authority to do so.
employee employment. localism is the secular religion of our time. its own policies, excommunication, language and clothing. that s what localism is. because it was mandatory for these people to remain employed, that s a title vii violation on account of forcing people to bow down to religion at the behest of being fired. that s the case they should bring in federal court. shannon: it sounds like that is the vibe we are getting from this teacher in new jersey. saying she couldn t do this anymore, she was worried about what students were being taught. she said students arrive in my classroom excepting theory as facts. people born with less melanin in our oppressors and people born with more militant are oppressed. men are oppressors and women are oppressed and so on. she said the school claims we teach students how to think about what to think but sadly that s just no longer true.
Commentary: Latter-day Saint excommunication was not designed to happen this way
Joseph Smith designed an innovative and humanitarian system of church discipline that protected the rights of the accused. So what happened in the Natasha Helfer case and others? Two scholars explain.
(Al Hartmann | Tribune file photo) The Salt Lake City Second Ward chapel features this stained-glass window of Joseph Smith s First Vision.
By Isaac Barnes May and Samuel S. Wells | Religion News Service
| April 25, 2021, 5:43 a.m. | Updated: 5:51 a.m.
One of the striking things about the Helfer case is a debate over due process and transparency of church disciplinary councils. Since Helfer currently resides in Salt Lake City, there are jurisdictional questions about why her church hearing was convened in Kansas. Further, the hearing took place without Helfer because she would not turn off her cellphone, because it had notes that she intended to use during the proceedings. Latter-day Saint le