It fills in the gaps in the current system. Namely, it expands medicaid to cover more low income adults by establishing raising the eligibility threshold. Just to note. The federal Poverty Level is that 11,000 dollars around 11,000. It also creates a new Health Insurance marketplace, where people can go to shop for and an role in private insurance. Through these marketplaces premiums of these are available to people without access to other coverage, who have incomes between 100 and 400 of the Poverty Level to make that coverage more affordable. All of these expansions are made to work by Health Insurance market reforms that prohibit insurers from denying people coverage or charging them more because they are sick. It also imposes new requirements on individuals to purchase Health Insurance with some exceptions, and for large employers to provide affordable coverage to their employees. Turning to the marketplaces, these are Online Market places where consumers can apply for, shop around
Every new congress in recent years, the Kaiser Foundation and the alliance have sponsored a series of briefings on a number of the most Important Health policy topics that are at the center of debate in congress. After todays briefing on the Affordable Care act, we will be conducting three more of these primers next month, not next friday, but the two fridays following that, and on wednesday april 1, on medicaid, medicare and healthcare costs respectively. Mark your calendars. We will see you back here. As for todays program, one might ask, why there is a need for a primer on outlaws, a few weeks of being five years old, and has been in the spotlight virtually every day since it was signed into law. Well, there are two fairly large reasons, one being this is a fairly complicated law, as some of you have found. With many different provisions and even without congressional action to amend it, many of those provisions have changed since its enactment. Secondly, bright people come and go.
Real estate investing goes beyond the direct purchase of property; in today’s environment, it also encompasses investing in alternative real estate investments.
A provision in Obamacare stipulates that on January 1, 2014, Members of Congress and their staff will lose their current employer-sponsored health insurance provided through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP).