our kids. they re bombarded in school and online with straight on propaganda. now, this is a viewer advisory, this kachi climate tune may get stuck in your head. i recycle. i can t separate your trash into air. i think he is full of methane. leave the car. walk this. nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah nah. nah nah nah nah nah nah nah. i told you it s going to get stuck in your head. yes, our children have to listen to this stuff. mommy, make it stop. okay, forget earth day. we need rebirth day as in the rebirth of common sense, practical thinking that can ensure that we grow and we prosper while we re also solid conservationists. it is possible. the fact is , despite our exhortations on clean energy, the democrats, through bad stewardship of the economy and foreign policy, are doing enormous damage to the natural world. now let s take a quick inventory. the emergency response to train derailment now mystery still surrounding the government s action here, but the public has a righ
so much mischief, and that s i to put it kindly oversinc the decades. i mean, since i worked for the reagan t administration,w lo that s how long ago goesng a ba. state department s beentive problem. and now we have definitive evidence, do we not? yeah, we do.porting by and fantastic reporting what by gallup and the examiner.wew it s what we know anyway. but it s just saying that the state department, the government is suppressing dissent, spending moneye on on doing that and doing it in sn the guise of stamping out disinformation and disinformation is whatever the government decides it is . and that is dissent, really. it s dissent.s de anything that does not go along parrot the democratic estabocrai comment line is deemedta disinformationblishm and it s ii considering that the biggest disinformation that ggs come out of the media in recent historyth