l.a.. but the question is not really about the outcome per se which is obviously it is the experience. and for me, what have been a few weeks ago is that i had to meet with another doctor who gave me some test results which were not to her liking and what i experienced was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. i sat in this examination room and within seconds this woman was trying to push on me a highly risky diagnostic test, she was talking about terminating my baby, and what struck me in that moment was how quick the she was willing to discard my life, or the life of my baby and i turned up my obi here in new york just to solving my eyes, out he let me cry, he looked at the data and saw something completely different. he saw something completely different and he said i will make sure that you have a healthy baby, i will care for you. i understood the data in that
to be clear, i started my ob care here. i had already planned to go back to l.a. because my mom s unwell. the issue i ve wrestled with in l.a. was should i come back to be with my black ob who i felt very safe with? when i explained it to my white friends in l.a., they sort of made me feel as if i was crazy, doctors are interchangeable. care is the same. a lot of them said just stay in l.a. and have this baby. the question is not really about the outcome per se which is obviously critical, it s the experience. what happened a few weeks ago, i had to meet with another doctor who reviewed some test results which weren t to her liking and what i experienced was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. i sat in this examination room and within seconds this woman was trying to push on me a highly risky diagnostic test. she was talking about
decide their future, democrats have steadily reminded us what exactly is at stake in the ballot box. democracy as we know it. on thursday, i sat down for an exclusive interview with pennsylvania tierney general undemocratic candidate for governor josh shapiro, who talked abortion, crime, into the dangerous rhetoric of the gop. attorney general shapiro, thank you for coming to the sunday show. good to be with, your thanks for having me. so you are a local political leader. do you have any desire to be in the examination room with a woman and her physician and her family? now, listen. i will always defended women s right to choose, free of political interference. that is an issue that is central to this campaign for governor in kent pennsylvania.
ten-year-old rape victim who is denied one in ohio. the american medical associations called the dobbs verdict, which overturned, and egregious allowance of governor intrusion, into the medical examination room. joining numerous medical societies across the country, voicing opposition to avoid that as interference in medical practice. after the break, we ll speak with the president of the american medical association about the effects of overturning roe. and the medical activism. medical activism medical activism bad. and for those who do get it bad, it may be because they have a high-risk factor. such as heart disease, diabetes, being overweight, asthma, or smoking. even if symptoms feel mild, these factors can increase your risk of covid-19 turning severe. so, if you re at high risk and test positive, don t wait. ask your healthcare provider right away if an authorized oral treatment is right for you.
government intrusion into the medical examination room. expand on that for us, if you can, sir. thank you so much for having me tonight, and talking about this important issue. our main concern is all of the damage to the health of our patients, and the health of the nation when we have politicians inserting themselves into very complicated and personal medical decision-making that we think should be made between a doctor and patient. that is really what is creating this danger. stories like the one you told about patients who are having complications, and that topic. the miscarriage that or to hemorrhage, and are finding themselves sitting with doctors in emergency departments, having discussions like, we have to call the attorneys now, because your chance of death might be 20%. under our state law, we don t know if it qualifies for us at this point. and so from our standpoint, this is really creating chaos, and some of these restrictive states around the country is