coming up that he was interested in taking about a woman and an ex-spouse that was harassing her. the father of the woman was initiating the job. keith morrison: a father with a daughter named linda. and it seems there was a plan in store for linda s ex-husband. jennifer thompson: and they would basically use linda as sort of bait to lure the ex-spouse toward her. and then they would, were to show signs of hurting her or killing her, then they would take him out. sheriff: ok, and by taking him out, you meant, or you understood that to be they would kill him. jennifer thompson: right. keith morrison: linda and her father? could that be wally and linda opdycke, the police wondered, mark stover s ex father-in-law and ex-wife plotting to kill him? it was a wild story jennifer told, and of course, horrifying, given what seemed to have happened.
when somebody quotes an ex-spouse, i hardly think it s worth respaonding to. they rarely say complimentary things. but if you were to put that aside and respond to weaver? calling hame white supremacist, neand ruthaul. and as a friend of mine but she s somebody who did not support donald trump and i understand why people want to continue this campaign. as somebody who s been involved in this campaign and worked somewhat with steve bannon. i found him to be an honorable guy, hard working guy. i understand why they want to label him and continue to stir the pot. sir, this isn t the left. john weaver, strategist for kasich and ana navarro. those are two conservatives. a strategist for kasich is hardly aen objective battle.
as a white supreme assist. these are not random people saying this. these are people like anna navarro. his ex-wife alleged that he said he did not like jews. he denied that. there are friends of his who say they have known him for years and have never heard a racist word or action from his mouth. all that said, bannon is uniquely controversial. john weaver saying the racist, facist extreme right is represented footsteps from the oval office. why do you disagree? when somebody quotes an ex-spouse, i think it s worth responded to. ex-spouses rarely say complimentary things. even if you were to put that aside, response to weaver. anna is calling him a white supremacist. she s a conservative.
it s someone hypothetically who had been fired from a job or his ex-spouse was there or something look that, we can understand the rationalization, as crazy as it is for one person but how do you get two other people to commit an act of mass murder with you. this is something that we see seldom. and we sure don t want this to start being what copy cats look look when they carry out these type of actions. when you call it emotional glue, you know, and some sort of conspiracy, are you going to where do you begin? do you begin with connections to the facility and work your way outward? yeah. there s got to be one primary person in this, chuck. if this facility, if someone within that group was targeted,
it was criminal? we heard from justice alito saying he s an aspiring rap artist. haven t you created a road map for somebody who wants to terrorize a spouse or ex-spouse and say it s a expression of artistic vision. this court has been protective of the first amendment. a couple of years ago they gave the west borrow baptist church the right to continue what they re doing. today justice sotomayor said we re creating exceptions to the first amendment they re struggling with that. as is often the case of free speech decision. this brought together a interesting group of people. it has. they see it as such an important issue. on the one hand we have the american civil liberties union. here is what they argued in their brief they filed.