eric: and if it passes in the senate, it hits a brick wall. the president discussed this a bit. let s listen to what he said. i don t know senator murray. i hear very, very good things. i know that lamar alexander is a fine man and he s really in there to do good for the people. and we can pretty much do what we have to do just the way it is. so this is going to be temporary prior to repeal and replace. we re going to repeal and replace obamacare. and i think we actually have the votes. eric: do you think they have the votes to repeal and replace and could the alexander-murray be a temporary band-aid to get to that repeal and replace? the reality is, they don t have the votes to get it done. the president caused the problem with his decision to get rid of cost-sharing-reduction payments. now he s created a challenge
the same as the premium. but if your cost is a thousand dollars a month and you can pay a fine of $250, that s what people did under the affordable care act and opted out of the pools. we have got to get them back in. the only way you do that is to allow the plans to be tailored and allow prices to float based on how young and healthy someone might be. arthel: so it seems that your idea of a tailored healthcare plan is in line with the president s idea, am i wrong? if i have that right, then what s likelihood of that being somehow getting passed, maybe next year in the event it doesn t happen this year? it doesn t look like it. right, right, we will see. i think we have to have real reform. that s what the administration is saying before they extend these cost-sharing subsidies by the way, when the cbo analyzed extending the cost sharing subsidies they said it wouldn t save any money. now everybody saying is taking them away is going to cost money. i don t know how you can have
with states spending money. they want something big like that so they could go and declare, we ve eviscerated obamacare, which trump did this week. he said, obamacare is gone, no longer the law of the land, speaking to the decision to get rid of cost-sharing reduction payments. and that s the desire to get something done, but some points on the board. eric: the democrats will not go for that. so how do they reach the compromise? the more republicans hold out, democrats have no incentive to bail out republicans here. and to give on these things when republicans couldn t get the votes on their own to do it. so i think what you will see is a lot more debate. if it came up for an up-or-down vote in the senate, it will pass. i don t think that mitch mcconnell will bring it up, because he doesn t want to force his members to make a decision on this.