Rapid rehousing service. Theyre listed by service type, a description the services, the agencies that we contract with to provide the services and the number of households that are served annually. Hhs has been h. D sa has been funding these programs before it became a nationally recognized best practice and along with our partners we provide services to house people who are homeless and maintain housing for people at risk for homelessness and one time grants for deposits and back rent and need and outreach and a variety of issues regarding tenant rights and responsibilities, dwerkz and diversion and access to care for homeless families and targeted to low income households who are the most vulnerable to a housing crisis. Some programs specialized and those at greater risk including veterans and others and ellis act evictions and grown in the last years. While the general fund provides much of the resources we receive state and federal funds in the recognition of the local need and the
Ethnicity, gender and age more closely resembles the demographic profile of people with hiv in San Francisco. One of the caveats we have to mention is that neither of these surveys saran dumb survey and they both relied on small sample sizes. They are the only two surveys we could find that ask specifically about private Disability Insurance and we think these numbers give a reasonable order of magnitude estimate of the number of people with hiv in San Francisco. We have made a high and lowest mat of people 50 and older with private insurance reaching retirement age and losing their insurance in the next 15 years. We used the percentage of people with private Disability Insurance and the age group distributions in the two surveys i just mentioned and weve broken this out in 5 year increments. In the first five years, 110 to 345 people reach retirement age and again in your 6 through 10 and in the last 5 years, 182564 people reaching retirement age and resumablely losing insurance. We w
People with just this situation that were describing this morning. But its only 61 slots. Those slots will be gone within 3 months. This issue is bigger than that and i think the city has a commitment that it needs to ensure continues to help People Living with hiv and aids maintain the system of care that they depend on for their lives. So i hope that the board will increase funding for homelessness preconvenience. We know we cant build ourselves out of the Affordable Housing crisis. This may seem like a significant commitment on the part of the city to provide ongoing operating of cities for people, but i think it is a smart way for the city to make sure this vulnerable population maintains the Affordable Housing they now have. Thank you again for the opportunity to present and i look forward to working with you on this issue. Good morning and thank you for this hearing. Its very important and timely. My name is john sisky, i am the hiv aids Insurance Protection project staff attorne
Funding in the 2013 ryan white fiscal year. Again, a lowest mat of people reaching retirement age in years 1 through 5 of 22 people and a high with 69 people and weve estimated Core Services and support Service Costs ranging from 35,000 to 112,000. Weve excluded medical costs from this estimate because people will be eligible for medicare and medical when they reach retirement. So without the cooperation of insurance companies, we cant know the exact number of people with private insurance, but what information is available indicates the size of the population is somewhere between several hundred and approximately 1200 people. We know that few people with private insurance make regular use of services intended for people with hiv with private Disability Insurance, which will have to im sorry and this will have to be taken into account when designing services for this population. The overall effect of the drop in income that will occur as people lose their insurance is difficult to pred
Pacific islanders are 3 percent of people older than 50 and 7 percent of people younger than 50, while whites are nearly 70 percent of people over 50, but only 56 percent of people younger than 50. This change in the racial and ethnic profile has happened as people of color have begun to make up a majority of more recently diagnosed cases. Differences in the ethnic and gender composition of the population, 50 and older and below 50, may have implications for the design of outreach and Service Delivery as the population continues to age and people with private insurance, private Disability Insurance, who have not used Public Services in the past turn to ryan white and other City Services for the first time when their Disability Insurance expires. This is another way of looking at the changing racial and ethnic profile of people with hiv, showing the concentration of whites, mostly men, mostly gay men, among older People Living with hiv in blue, and the large proportion of people of colo