We put the leading AI chatbots to the test, including the paid and free ChatGPT, asking people who are fluent in eight, non-English languages to rate how their results compare to Google Translate.
As an adherent and proponent of the apostolic movement, some of the unbiblical practices therein have concerned me greatly. Many of my colleagues also consider them absurd and, in some cases, harmful.
As an adherent and proponent of the apostolic movement, some of the unbiblical practices therein have concerned me greatly. Many of my colleagues also consider them absurd and, in some cases, harmful.
We put ChatGPT, Bing AI, and Google Bard to the test, asking people who are fluent in seven, non-English languages to rate how AI chatbot results compare to responses from Google Translate.
May the Lord stir the contemporary Church to walk in the same miracles, power and strategy as the first-century Church so that we can impact whole communities for God.