at night, you re sleeping, maybe you re not tuned in to everything if it s later, after dark you don t have that kind of visual warning. but right now these things happening in the afternoon, in the sense that is certainly good news. generally you do see these tornadoes forming in the late afternoon, still in daylight. once the daylight goes down very often you lose the heating at the surface, and that s one of the primary things that fuels tornadoes. so afternoon is ae for it. shepard: the heat on the surface and then the colder air on the top and c0ñ6gúdfwzvv3?n that. these have been starting you have dry air from the southwest, and then the arizona-new mexico area, and then you have moisture out of the gulf. two different air masses in moisture content. first of all. then you have that heating at the surface. so all of that moistureç wantso
happen in unpopulated areas and go hardly noticed. if you remember seeing the pictures from moore, oklahoma, it picked up even the grass and everything was brown becauseç e entire layer of sod had been churned up, and because the rain that comes with it, the dirt left hip becomes mud. so the tornado picks up the mud. and one thing you knew as you drove around the area, is which cars were there when it happened. even if they weren t hilt by the tornado you knew if they were nearby because they had these huge dirt clods on the side of theç cars.ç the clods dried out in the baking sun of the next day and stuck on everybody s car. and you go by the car washes which are6ptjuq)e, and would be using them, because people had more important things to do. but my point in all of this is,
so many people were affected beyond those who were just whose homes were lost and sadly lost relatives in this thing. the effects are far and wide, and, again, as we watch this, the telltale signs are there. you watch the front, the cold get a downdraft of cold air and updraft of hot air, and that okay compete against each other they begin to swirl, and the downpush and the updraft and away they go, and just picks up everything around. we have a storm chaser watching this with us. greg johnson, where are you and what are you seeing? we re just north of oklahoma city right now, and there s a tornado warning and this storm has al the hallmarksmarks of ont will produce a largeç tornado. we have a wall cloud heading
the guys in oklahoma city know where to get. they get southeast of the stormç and have an unobstructed view of the wall cloud dropping off. the rain associate width a toward sorted with a temperature is on the northern and western side of it, and the hail is in those areaes. i should have that unon instructed view of the tornado from this unobstructed view of the tornado. shepard: everything in the clouds looks like an animal of thing but that is just angle? the whole piece of the darkest gray is a wall cloud and that is where a tornado drops from the stuff on the far right of the screen, that s called scud, pieces of cloud that get cut off from it. shepard: here we go. i won t do that again. i was looking at the cloud
found 12-pounds of marijuana under her seat on a bus. why she called the arrest a nightmare and herself not guilty. all ahead, unless breaking news changes everything. block on studio b. first next heart lean of america, these are live picture from our affiliates outside oklahoma city. these auf clouds likeç we were watching a couple weeks ago forming in the sky and appears to show a tornadoç forming. they re very turned about this. another round of severe weather kansas today. meteorologists warning everyone to be on alert. these are two states that a recent tornado outbreak hit the hardest. a tornado warning is in effect for southeastern king fisher and central logan counties. and we re watching this cloud formation with you.