years, lowest african-american unemployment ever recorded, lowest hispanic unemployment ever recorded. what they are proposing, the green new deal would cost will cost $93 million. it s hard to understand 1 million, a trillion, a billion, but let me put that in perspective. $93 trillion is more money than the enteral government has spent in the entire history of the united states of america going back to george washington. it would mean about $65,000 per family in america per year. that is where the democrats are. they are just donald trump hasn t broken the democratic party, they hate him so much they are embracing policies that would destroy policy and open up our borders. it s wrong. sean: obama biden eight years, 30 million new americans on food stamps, a million in poverty. now 6 million off of food stamps and 6 million new jobs in the
because idiotic policy that the democrats have put in place is that if someone shows up with a child, that they are allowed to stay and go free, and as a result, you are seeing little children who are suddenly finding more and more instances of children with adults who are now their family, that are strangers to them, but the child is essentially there get out of jail free card. that is cruel to incentivize kids being abused like that and the democrats on that stage, the democrats on the stage right now, not a single one of them is willing to do anything to fix i it. sean: open borders and amnesty is a big part of their agenda, i don t even think there are any restrictions on abortions. they make it into what happened in virginia and all these other states where we talk about during the fourth it s not abortion, it s infanticide. post birth infanticide. then we ve got a 70% top marginal tax rate for individuals.
president-elect and a president. we saw it in the 33,000 subpoenaed emails. they are now obsessed with phantom charges against the president with no underlying crime. yet, with hillary clinton, acid wash, delete 33,000 emails, hammers, removing sim cards. not a peep from the media mob or the democratic party. we see it on issues of racism and sexual assault. don t forget the democratic lieutenant governor and governor of virginia. yeah, they are still both in office. we see it on climate change. at last night, four of the candidates onstage said that climate change was the biggest threat to our nation. once at donald trump. i assume they all flew in a plane to last night s debate. i highly took they took up he is from the airport either. but it is the democratic party s
so that is our direct message to the families in central america. do not send your children to the borders. if they do make it, they will get sent back. more important, they may not make it. sean: you might remember the democrats expressed no outrage over those comments. in fact, there was little outrage over the nasty deportations under the obama administration. we have those pictures that we show to you. the first with donald trump. remember the conditions under obama? migrant holding facilities? all under obama. no anger when the obama administration for children yeah in cages. fake moral outrage is the democratic party s favorite political weapon. we sought over russia and the collusion hoax. they called trump a russian opera but refused to acknowledge hillary clinton s dirty bought a russian dossier, played in the spying scandal of an opposition party candidate, than a