whether the lifestyle is driving the microbiome. this project could be game changing and potentially gut changing as well. these microbes are involved in a number of diseases. the it s varied as diabetes, autism, parkinson s. this is another avenue or another piece to the puzzle. so i really think that as we unravel the mysteries and figure out exactly how the microbiome is associated with these diseases we ll be able to use the information to maybe improve diagnoses and treatments as well. meet a self proclaimed microbial enthusiast and three-time tester of her own microbiome. she also manages the american gut project at ucc san diego. when i took this it was just after thanksgiving.
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alex, that he had in his car? what more did we learn about that? reporter: we know that he had a lot of it. he had 50 pounds of an explosive called tannerite. that s a binary explosive which means it needs two ingredients. they have to combine to create 50 pounds, which is really quite easy to set off. you can fire a single round into the tannerite and it blows up. he had some of hundred rounds of ammunition alongside that tannerite inside the trung of his car at the parking lot here at the mandalay bay. so what was he planning on doing? was he planning on blowing up that car? using it as part of an escape plan or was he planning on carrying out an attack? another attack, i should say. the under sheriff said today that all he knows is that it was part of what he called the shooter s nefarious intent. that under sheriff also had more information today about the security guard at the mandalay bay, who was the first one to come across the shooter he. this man sounds like he saved a
to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis multidose® did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose®. savings card holders pay as little as $0 for three bottles. start saving today at restasis.com. remember that accident i got in with the pole, and i had to make a claim and all that? is that whole thing still dragging on? no, i took some pics with the app and. filed a claim, but. you know how they send you money to cover repairs and. they took forever to pay you, right? no, i got paid right away, but. at the very end of it all, my agent. wouldn t even call you back, right? no, she called to see if i was happy. but if i wasn
north face because he couldn t find sleeping bags he liked. his best friend start a company called pat goena. and they re fabulously wealthy. they re burnt out. sold it out and started buying huge chunks of land. all the locals freaked out. i mean, imagine if a chinese national or a russian came and bought south dakota. right. and took all the farms out and put wild animals back in. that s what they re trying to do. they re trying to create national parks the way we have here and create as much of the last wild places on earth. so if human beings, you know, end up for a huge disaster, we have little chunks of the planet left to rebuild from. it looks beautiful. so lush. it is amazing. yeah. good to see you. good to see you, don. good luck. i can t wait to watch this.