the key is in denver, colorado, where 800 illegal families are reportedly in the process of being booted from chargers at the city nears its braking punt. our very own sara carter is live in denver with the full report. a lot of pictures that we cannot show this audience, sara. but it is a pretty bad situation out there. reporter: yeah, it is a terrible situation. the migrant crisis comes with the homelessness and it s obviously one of the biggest issues right now facing denver. tell you, i spoke today, sean with a venezuelan father who is one of those migrants. he was out with his two children. he was actually panhandling in downtown denver. he had a sign that he had somebody had written for him in english because he does not speaking english that says will work for food. will work for money. i saw that all across denver. and in response to what we were seeing today week reach out to the heirs office. that is mayor mike johnson and this is what he had to say, he said denve
Being a Democrat Is Not Cool Anymore, Crime, Climate change, elections, destruction of society, open borders, censorship, Freedom, choices, real democracy with real elections and freedom of speech is cool and very normal
ago which we just celebrated are not that special and not worth preserving. steve: well, look, it s political. unfortunately, we all know this is a terrible problem on our southern border there is a crisis and overcrowding. and it s political. dave reuben from the reuben report sees it this way politically. they have gone more radical. if they have gone more to the left as they have gone more to socialism and far leftism, they have silenced the good liberals because when you call everyone racist and big gouted and the rest of it. it is the greatest, chilling effect that you can possibly do. and they have done this really effectively. and the good liberals, they don t nosy where to turn anymore. what they are afraid of is if they dare say don t destroy art. let s not remove the past of the first president of the united states of america. they think those cries, those false whys by the way because they are almost always false, they think those false cries of racism and bigotry will be