Italy Gate: who do you trust? former CIA chief Johnson and General McInerney or Fake News USA Today lies, Hand recounts confirmed election results? LIE!
“We discovered that these systems are subject to different types of unauthorized manipulation and potential fraud,” “There is a reason that Texas rejected it,”.
..Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
“Trump’s not gonna win. I made f cking sure of that!”.
..Eric Coomer, executive with Dominion Voting Systems
“It’s Massive, Criminal Voter Fraud! – It’s Going to Blow the Mind of Everyone In This Country!”.
..Attorney Sidney Powell on Dominion Voting Systems
The State of Texas performed their third test of Dominion Voting Systems since 2012 and rejected them in a report presented in Feb. 2019.
Italy Gate: who do you trust? former CIA chief Johnson and General McInerney or Fake News USA Today lies, Hand recounts confirmed election results? LIE! “We discovered that these systems are subject to different types of unauthorized manipulation and potential fraud,” “There is a reason that Texas rejected it,”.Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton “Trump’s not…