New US Spending Plan COVID Help Or Pork?
Every Michigan Democrat elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are calling the massive spending bill working its way through Washington
“The American Rescue Plan.” Michigans two Senators, Debbie Stabenow, and Gary Peters joined with all the other Democrats in the Senate to push it through. All Michigan Democrats in the US House also voted in favor, all Republicans are opposed. That includes SW Michigan 6th Representative Fred Upton, and 3rd DIstrict Republican Peter Meijer. The bill is being described by Democrats as robust coronavirus relief legislation. Democrats say America will be better off with its passage. Fiscal analysts say it will become one of the largest federal spending bills in American history. Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer from New York earlier described the bill as “one of the largest anti-poverty bills” in U.S. history.