evergreen solar inc. received $5.3 million and filed for bankruptcy protection last month. spectrawatt received $500,000 and filed for bankruptcy last month. another filed for protection in 2010 and olson s crop service and olson mills acquisition company received $10 million and filed for bankruptcy protection. first two are energy companies. isn t this incredible? this is the whole green jobs agenda that destroyed spain s economy. we thought it was a great idea. let s use the stimulus money that we didn t have. it s all about ideology here. which is so wrong! therein lies the problem. it s about ideology. it s not about actually making investment in a company that s going to create a permanent job. clearly these 1100 jobs weren t permanent. where are we going? we have to wait, this technology will be in place some day but don t risk, especially with the financial condition that the country is in. don t risk our money speculating on whether solar is ready for primetime. it s n