Four EVMs and a similar number of VVPATs were found at the house of a Trinamool Congress leader in West Bengal s Howrah district, following which a poll official was suspended, a senior officer said on Tuesday. The incident happened in Tulsiberia village in the Uluberia Uttar assembly segment, he said. Villagers spotted a vehicle with an Election Commission sticker outside the house of the TMC leader in the early hours, after which they started protesting, he added. Then, it was found that the officer of sector 17 Tapan Sarkar was visiting the TMC leader s house with the EVMs, the official said.
EVMs, VVPATs found at TMC leader s home, poll official suspended
The EVMs and VVPATs were seized and the officer suspended.
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The EVMs and VVPATs were seized and the officer suspended. Four EVMs and a similar number of VVPATs were found at the house of a Trinamool Congress leader in West Bengal s Howrah district, following which a poll official was suspended, a senior officer said on Tuesday.
The incident happened in Tulsiberia village in the Uluberia Uttar assembly segment, he said.
Villagers spotted a vehicle with an Election Commission sticker outside the house of the TMC leader in the early hours, after which they started protesting, he added.
The incident came into light when villagers spotted a vehicle with an Election Commission sticker outside the house of the TMC leader in the early hours, after which they started protesting.
EVMs, VVPATs found at TMC leader s home, poll official suspended
TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Updated: Apr 6, 2021, 14:03 IST
ULUBERIA: The Election Commission (EC) on Tuesday suspended a polling officer in West Bengal’s Howrah district after four Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) and Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) machines were allegedly found at a political leader’s house, a senior officer said.
The incident happened in Tulsiberia village in the Uluberia Uttar assembly segment, he said. Tapan Sarkar, the officer of sector 17 was visiting the TMC leader s house with the EVMs. The officer was suspended after the seizure of EVMs and VVPATs. The four machines are not being used in today s polling. We have sought a report from the District Election Officer, he added.
EVMs and VVPATs Found at Trinamool Congress Leader s House in West Bengal District
A BJP candidate alleged that the incident was part of TMC s plan to rig the election, a charge denied by the ruling party.
Representative image. Photo: PTI
Politics4 hours ago
Uluberia, West Bengal: Four EVMs and a similar number of VVPATs were found at the house of a Trinamool Congress leader in West Bengal’s Howrah district, following which a poll official was suspended, a senior officer said on Tuesday.
The official said that the the incident happened in Tulsiberia village in the Uluberia Uttar assembly segment. Villagers spotted a vehicle with an Election Commission sticker outside the house of the TMC leader in the early hours, after which they started protesting. He also added that it was found that the officer of sector 17 Tapan Sarkar was visiting the TMC leader’s house with the EVMs.