INVITATION TO BIDDERS City Of Eveleth Projects Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the City of Eveleth Projects will be addressed and delivered to Eveleth City Hall, Attention: Jackie Monahan-Junek, 413 Pierce Street, Eveleth, MN 55734. BID DATE: June 1, 2023 BID TIME: 1:00 pm local time
ORDINANCE NO. 12.69 AN ORDINANCE FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY WHEREAS, Pursuant to the City Charter, Section 12.05, the City of Biwabik may, by ordinance, sell realproperty owned by the City; andWHEREAS, Cleveland-Cliffs MinorcaMine Inc. has offered to purchasereal property owned by the City ofBiwabik; andWHEREAS, It is the City's
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDSPROJECT NO:OWNER: CITY OF MCKINLEY, MINNESOTASEALED BIDS FOR: MKIN23-02 WaterFilter Installation including theapproximate quantities:Mobilization – Lump SumHague Water Conditioning Equipment– 52 EachBids will be received by City ofMcKinley, Tony Nygaard, Mayor,City Hall (5454 Grand Avenue,McKinley, MN 55741) until 2:00P.M. local time April 11, 2023 andthen at said office publicly openedand read aloud.The information
NOTICE OF BIDROCK RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOLSDISTRICT ADMIN BUILDINGMECHANICAL UPGRADE – PART 1VIRGINIA, MNRock Ridge Public Schools – ISD 2909,Virginia, MN, is soliciting competitive “Prime Contract Bids” forRock Ridge Public Schools – District Admin Building MechanicalUpgrade – Part 1. Sealed bids willbe received via in-person hand-delivery only (no direct mailing/shipping of bids directly to the schooldistrict
NOTICE AND ORDER FOR HEARINGON PETITION FOR HEARING ONPETITION FOR DESCENTOF PROPERTYSTATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF ST. LOUISSIXTH JUDICIALDISTRICT COURTPROBATE DIVISIONCourt File No. 69VI-PR-23-10ESTATE OFTINA HARDY BROWN,F/K/A TINA BENCKDecedent.A Petition for Determination ofDescent has been filed with thisCourt. The Petition representsthat the Decedent died more thanthree years ago, leaving propertyin Minnesota and requests the probate of