Useful tools for the ongoing task of witness into the world; prayer, listening, and thanksgiving. Ben Jack Image: Canva
In the first part of this three-part series, we considered prayer as being a neglected tool for evangelism. In this second part, we will explore another practice all too often neglected in our witness to the world:
Neglected Tool Two: Listening
Have you ever been in conversation with someone where you couldn’t get a word in edgeways?
You’re Not Listening Kate Murphy recounts a story about Richard ‘Dick’ Bass, known for going on ambitious expeditions and talking about them at length with any in earshot. On one particular flight, he chatted for the duration to a gentleman next to him about his exploits climbing Everest and his plan to do so again. As the flight was landing Bass realized he hadn ’t made time for his new travel companion to introduce himself. “That ’s okay,” the man said, “I’m Neil Armstrong. Nice