last in, there was a possible significant development, authorities dug up a home half a block away and dug up the basement believing it was possible a handy man who worked in the area buried the remains. nothing was found. for decades the prime suspect has been an individual who is a boyfriend of evan patz babysitter and now in prison in connection with the molesting of another child and he has never been criminally charged in connection with evan patz disappearance. a short time ago the mayor talked about the anguish the family has endured. as a father i cannot imagine what they have gone law and i sendly hope that we are one step closer to bringing them some measure of relief. reporter: the developed who is still being held identified as pedro hernandez a neighbor said i cannot believe something like that, this guy doesn t seem that way. again, police are going to hold
the terrorists at their own game. that is all ahead unless breaking news changes everything. this is studio b. but, first from fox at 3:00, the facebook fallout continues and to congressional panels are looking into the handling of the i.p.o. over accusations of negative information of the company withheld from some. the site facing multiple lawsuits, shareholders claim facebook and the big bank underwriters, morgan stanley and j.p. morgan chase, told only a few investors they downgraded the company s earnings outlook. when you raise money in the market you are required to disclose material information. the entire reason for being there is to be independent from the company and make sure these facts are reveled to investors in the document. trace: the lawyer is planning on file you a law on behalf of a client. here is the company stock in the 5th day of trading after the botched debut. shares up about 2 percent after a 3 percent gain yesterday. and gerri anchors the wi