3:03 pm, Wed December 16, 2020
Mickele Allen travelled to New York to undergo surgery following the dog attack.
Dr. Evan Garfein and Dr. Matthew Bartels, who are involved in Mickele Allen s care overseas
The medical team at Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, New York, caring for Mickele Allen, who was mauled by dogs in St. Dacre, St. Ann last month, says he has successfully undergone four surgeries.
Dr. Evan Garfein, Chief of Plastic Surgery at the hospital, gave an update on the operations Wednesday on TVJ s
Smile Jamaica programme.
Some of it involved moving tissue from his back, muscle from his back to his head micro-surgically, which was a very long operation, relatively complicated. But these are all things we do on a relatively regular basis. So, I think he was in a good place to receive the care he got.