Chris im chris wallace. With the clock ticking toward the fiscal cliff, it is crunch time on capitol hill. Chris as the new year rings in, we are headed to a major financial hangover. What happens if big tax hikes and spending cuts take effect . Will washington come up with a lastminute compromise . Plus, where are we headed on new demands for gun control . And, will we ever get all of the answers to the benghazi terror attacks . Well cover a lot of ground when we sit down with two leading senators democrat Dianne Feinstein and republican Lindsay Graham. Also th 2012 in the Rearview Mirror we look ahead to 2013. Our sunday panel weighs in on what well be talking about in the coming year. All, right now, on fox news sunday. Chris and hello, again from fox news in washington. Well, it turns out the fiscal cliff is going to be a cliffhanger. With less than two days until the new year, Senate Leaders are still trying to work out a deal, to avoid tax increases on almost every american. But,
Our sunday panel weighs in on what well be talking about in the coming year. All, right now, on fox news sunday. Chris and hello, again from fox news in washington. Well, it turns out the fiscal cliff is going to be a cliffhanger. With less than two days until the new year, Senate Leaders are still trying to work out a deal, to avoid tax increases on almost every american. But, any compromise will do close to nothing about our debt problem. Joining us now, to discuss what kind of deal they will and wont vote for, are two key senators, democrat Dianne Feinstein and republican lindsey graham. Senators, welcome back to fox news sunday. Thank you. Good morning. Chris senator graham, a couple of days ago you said you thought we were going to go over the fiscal cliff and now we are in the midst of a lot of lastditch bargaining between the Senate Leaders, reid and mcconnell, what are the chances for a small deal in the next, less than 48 hours to avoid the cliff. Exceedingly good. I think peo
Also with 2012 in the Rearview Mirror we look ahead to 2013. Our sunday panel weighs in on what well be talking about in the coming year. All, right now, on fox news sunday. Chris and hello, again from fox news in washington. Well, it turns out the fiscal cliff is going to be a cliffhanger. With less than two days until the new year, Senate Leaders are still trying to work out a deal, to avoid tax increases on almost every american. But, any compromise will do close to nothing about our debt problem. Joining us now, to discuss what kind of deal they will and wont vote for, are two key senators, democrat Dianne Feinstein and republican lindsey graham. Senators, welcome back to fox news sunday. Thank you. Good morning. Chris senator graham, a couple of days ago you said you thought we were going to go over the fiscal cliff and now we are in the midst of a lot of lastditch bargaining between the Senate Leaders, reid and mcconnell, what are the chances for a small deal in the next, less th
Chris im chris wallace. With Vice President biden about this release his plan to prevent more massacres, the battle lines in washington are already forming. Chris both sides in the gun debate are gearing up. For a fight over tighter controls. Who will win . Well ask two people at the center of the argument, neera tanden of the center for American Progress and larry pratt from gun owners of america. Then, a confirmation show down over the president s nominees, to Top National Security posts. From defense to the cia. The men the president wants in his new cabinet are coming under heavy fire. Will the Senate Approve them . Well hear from two members of the Armed Services committee. Republican kelly ayotte and democrat Richard Blumenthal. Also the president is taking a more aggressive approach as he begins his second term. Well ask our sunday panel if mr. Obama has the clout to win the fights hes taking on. And our power player of the week. The wife of a washington insider makes her own ma
Republicans eyeballtoeyeball who will blink first and our power player of the week, a brain surgeon touches a political nerve in washington. All, right now, on fox news sunday. Chris and hello, again, from fox news in washington. When all sides agreed to the sequester a yearandahalf ago those automatic acrosstheboard spending cuts were supposed to be so painful it would force the president and congress to make a deal. But, now, jwith just five days o go there is no deal and the deadline is here. Joining us, two Senate Leaders on budget issues, from Oklahoma Republican tom coburn and from missouri, democrat claire mccaskill. Senators, lets start with the big question, quick question, quick answer, will the sequester happen . Will those 85 billion in spending cuts kick in on friday . Senator coburn . Yes, it will and it is not 85 billion, because it is a pro rata portion of that, until the end of the year and it will not be a full 85 billion. Chris but it is going to kick in . It will ki