Im EU-Parlament wird scharfe Kritik an der EU-Kommission laut. Parlamentarier:innen kritisieren eine schriftliche Antwort der Kommission auf den Abschlussberichts des PEGA-Ausschusses, die wir veröffentlichen. Eine Abgeordnete bringt sogar einen zweiten Untersuchungsausschuss über Staatstrojaner ins Spiel.
David Diamond, head of Newfoundland and Labrador's largest health authority, told reporters Tuesday that the systems taken out in the Oct. 30 cyberattack were being "rebuilt from scratch, from backups."
Details released this week about Newfoundland and Labrador s efforts to recover from a cyberattack on its health-care system provide clues about the incident and how the government may have responded, experts say.
ST. JOHN'S, N.L. Details released this week about Newfoundland and Labrador’s efforts to recover from a cyberattack on its health-care system provide clues about the incident and how the government may have responded, experts say.