Building 400 of Safford’s Dorothy Stinson Elementary School will soon be a pile of rubble as work continues to raze the buildings formerly occupied by the school. The resulting space
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This Day in History is DUE’s daily dose of trivia for all the history buffs out there. So sit back and take a ride of all the fascinating things that happened on 26th May!
People are trapped in history and history is trapped in people, and hence, every day has been a significant one in the foibles of history. Now, let’s take a tour of “This Day in History – 26th May”.
1805: Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned King of Italy
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Napoléon Bonaparte is one of the most celebrated personages in the history of the West. He revolutionized military organization and training, reorganized education, and established the long-lived Concordat with the papacy. On this day in 1805, he was crowned King of Italy at the Milan cathedral, by the Cardinal Archbishop of Milan.