A pioneering study showed that Cyprus has among the world’s highest incidence rates as far as cancer in children is concerned with leukemias being the most frequent cancer, said Prof. Dr. Loizos Loizou Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Oncology - Hematology, Medical School, University of Nicosia.
On a visit to Chartered Accountants’ Hall, Michalis Hadjipantela FCA, Minister for Health in Cyprus, told ICAEW’s Julia Penny and Alison Ring about how his chartered accountancy skills led to a career in government.
“ΣaiΣ” is a newly formed music project by the young musicians Savvas Chrysostomou, based in Cyprus. The goal of this music project is to create new original music inspired by Cypriot culture and tradition, and to experiment with traditional songs of Cyprus.